- 认真得不得了的年轻人.a terribly earnest young man
- 最近他处理了一桩要求巨额赔款的事,办得十分高明,客户居然要借重他,给他一个好得不得了的机会。Recently he handled a big claim with such brilliance that the client made him a fantastic proposition
- 得permit
- “那我可不知道了,妈妈,我知道的全都说了,”珠儿说道,那神情比平时说话要严肃认真得多。"Nay, mother, I have told all I know," said Pearl, more seriously than she was wont to speak.
- 认真serious
- 没有什么不得了的事。There's nothing really serious.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 认真的earnest
- 发言者是一个身材魁梧朝气蓬勃的年轻人,他边跑边跳地走过过道,跃上讲台。The speaker, a large vigorous young man, came Bounding down the aisle and up onto the stage
- 变得became
- 你真是不得了的幸运有个像我一样的朋友.You are darned lucky to have a friend like Me.
- 认真地in earnest
- 他只是个无经验的年轻人。He was only a callow youth.
- 那些孩子总是追来追去,吵得不得了。Those children are always chasing about, making a terrible noise.
- 我的邻居是个古怪的年轻人。My neighbor is an eccentric young man.
- 没有了这个空招牌,那么一切债务都会逼紧来,他仍是不得了的!Once he lost this title, his creditors would descend on him in a swarm, and he would be worse off than ever.
- 得很very (much, good etc.)
- 得了be finished
- 推销员是个风度翩翩的年轻人.The salesman was a very personable young man.
- 只得have no alternative but to