- 攻讦expose one's past misdeeds
- 鲠讦直言A Blunt speech
- 那些候选人没有什么好政见,只是恶劣地互相攻讦。The candidates had no good ideas of their own, so they just took cheap shots at each other.
- 徐讦川Xu Xu
- 充讦操作enable
- 进行攻讦rack up sb.'s past and attack him; expose sb.'s past misdeeds
- 结构设讦Structure design
- 攻讦用语言攻击,如嘲笑或责骂To attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure.
- 那些候选人没有什麽好政见,只是恶劣地互相攻讦。The candidate have no good idea of their own, so they just take cheap shot at each other.
- 他惯于对对手漫骂攻讦。He often wildly abuses his opponents and exposes their past misdeeds.
- 总统候选人在报上相互攻讦。The presidential candidates went for each other in the papers
- 那些候选人没有什么好政见,只是恶劣地互相攻讦。The candidate have no good idea of their own,so they just take cheap shot at each other.
- 一旦掌了权,他们之间的龃龉就导致内部的互相攻讦。甘地夫人利用这一点搞垮了人民党的政府。Once in power, their lack of cohesion led to internecine squabbles, which in turn were exploited by Mrs Gandhi, leading to Janata's downfall
- 而政治人物除了选战里的恶毒攻讦外,同样需要极具权威的同侪检视系统,我会很乐于见到候选人必须在政治辩论会以相反立场进行答辩。Politicians need a stronger peer-review system that goes beyond the churlish opprobrium of the campaign trail, and I would love to see a political debate in which the candidates were required to make the opposite case.
- 随着教育的地位从社会的边缘被推向社会的中心,各界对教育的批评和攻讦之声也随之兴起,教育之于人性的种种压抑和束缚也遭到严正声讨。Education receives critics from all the circles as it is pushed to the center of the society,for the reason that it oppressed the human nature.