- 角鳞鲀Durgon(Black durgon); Melichthys niger
- 三角鳞毛蕨配子体发育的研究Observation on the Gametophyte Development of Dryopteris subtriangularis
- 鹅膏菌Amanita
- 灰鹅膏grisette
- 黄灰鹅膏tawny grisette
- 角angle
- 鹅膏菌素amanitin
- 菌germ
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 不同饲料配比对兴国灰鹅肉仔鹅生长发育和血液生化指标的影响Effect of Different Feed Proportions on Growth and Blood Biochemical Indexes of Meat Goslings of Xingguo Grey Goose
- 半角DBC case
- 鹅膏菌碱α-amanitine
- 鳞scales (of fish)
- 海角cape
- 无菌asepsis
- 右上角top right corner
- 抗菌antibiosis
- 倒角chamfer angle
- 菌株bacterial strain
- 锡膏tin cream