- 三角岛triangular island
- 布雷顿角岛国家公园Cape Breton Highlands National Park
- 就要从这三角岛开始喽!Starts right from this triangular island!
- 角angle
- 鲸whale
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 铸炉遗迹的外貌,整个遗址保留在赤角岛的环境保护区内。Shape of furnace structure, the whole site is protected within the conservation area of Chek Lap Kok Island.
- 虎鲸grampus
- 岛的insular
- 半角DBC case
- 小岛isle
- 海角cape
- 捕鲸whaling
- 右上角top right corner
- 座头鲸humpback
- 塞班岛Saipan
- 倒角chamfer angle
- 普吉岛Puji Island
- 左上角top left corner
- 环岛rotary island; roundabout