- 对折double over
- 眼睑两个对折的皮和肌肉,能合上盖上眼球的裸露的部分Either of two folds of skin and muscle that can be closed over the exposed portion of the eyeball.
- 萧观音XIAO Guanyin
- 紫竹观音Black bamboo and Buddhism Guanyin
- 你替我把纸对折起来好吗?Would you double up the paper for me?
- 观音塘Goddess Pond
- 对折纸在中间对折的一张大纸,制成书或手稿中的两张或四页A large sheet of paper folded once in the middle, making two leaves or four pages of a book or manuscript.
- 观音开库Kuanyin open the money storage
- 这张纸应该对折。The paper should be folded in half.
- 观音洞Kwan'eum-dong (South Korea)
- 必须把这张纸对折起来。The paper must be folded in half.
- 观音戏the opera of guanyin
- 我们对他所说的话必须打对折。We must discount half of what he says.
- 表观音速apparent sonic velocity
- 把绷带对折double the bandage
- 观音狗彼得Peter - The Quan Yin Dog
- 把那页纸对折,撕成两半to double the sheet back and tear it in half
- 童子拜观音A Lad to Salute Goddess
- 中骨对折Center Crease Fold
- 观音桥段Guanyinqiao Member