- 哈里斯:他过去常常被从后门偷偷带进来。学生们对他尖锐的观点报之以面粉团,这真正伤害了他。He used to be smuggled in the back door. He was genuinely hurt that the students had reacted to this penetrating argument by chucking flour bombs at him.
- 快报flash report
- 报应retribution
- 报文message
- 报关员declarant
- 他在书中提出了一个新观点。He has held forth a new idea in his book.
- 报业newspapering
- 我仍坚持我的观点。I still insist on my viewpoint.
- 报检apply for quarantine inspection
- 敢于提出自己的观点have the courage of one's opinions
- 报时give the correct time
- 全局观点global view
- 报盘offer
- "发言者没有把自己的观点解释得十分清楚,因而引起了一些误解。"The speaker failed to put his ideas over clearly enough so that some misunderstanding arose.
- 报人journalist
- 如果这样的话,你的观点一定会和他的起冲突。If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his.
- 报审report
- 我倾向另一观点。I incline to another point of view.
- 独特的观点original views
- 误报distort