- 他重蹈父亲的覆辙。He duplicated his father's failure.
- 不要让怀俄明重蹈加利福尼亚的覆辙。Don't Californicate Wyoming.
- 中国汽车业将重蹈巴西的覆辙?China Automobile industry will get by Brazil's footprint?
- 有人认为英国过快地发展铁路事业,在某种程度上也重蹈了北美的覆辙。And it was for some time doubtful whether England,in the disproportionate development of railway enterprise,had not,in some degree,followed the example.
- 由于里根政府齐心协力来防止重蹈阿富汗问题上的覆辙,这次反应对西方联盟的损害是有限制的。Damage to the Western allinace was limited by a concerted Reagan Administration effort to avoid the pitfalls of Afghanistan.
- 重装reshipment
- 重置reset
- 蹈stamp
- 称重to weigh
- 重回return
- 三重treble
- 阿比西尼亚的覆辙(5),前车可鉴。Let us take warning from the fall of Abyssinia[5].
- 重修to repeat a course
- 柴德威决计不蹈此覆辙。Chadwick was determined that no such thing was going to happen to him.
- 重写rewrite
- 重于overweight
- 克重gram force
- 没有巩固的和平与团结,没有人民的动员,抗战的前途便会蹈袭阿比西尼亚的覆辙。Unless peace and unity are consolidated,unless the people are mobilized,our armed resistance will meet the same fate as Abyssinia's.
- 有重ponderability
- 重感冒a bad cold