- 覆车之戒warning taken from the overturned cart ahead
- 我们把车当废品卖了。We sold the car for scrap(= so that any good parts can be used again).
- 车machine
- 覆车之鉴examples to take warning from
- 起初,我们是和别的鼓手一起组团,之后当戒加入之后,变成为现在的我们了。At first we worked with another drummer, then Kai joined and we formed our group together.
- 禽困覆车despair gives courage to a coward
- 调车作业中车当作业人身伤害事故树的定性分析Qualitative Analysis on Failure Tree of Personal Injury Caused by Buffer-Stop Operation During Shunting
- 戒swear off
- 原来他们打算在这儿叫他覆车呢。They had meant to smash him there.
- 当心to take care
- 当家manage household affairs
- 历代王朝的创始者都很重视借鉴前朝的覆车之鉴。Those who started every dynasty valued warnings taken from the overthrown dynasty before.
- 当下instantly
- 猪八戒one of the chief characters in "Pilgrimage To The West" who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man's cupidity
- 车的vehicular
- 当归angelica
- 开车to drive a car
- 戒掉give up
- 当真take seriously
- 下车got out