- 要量力而行.Don't take on more than you can cope with.
- 要量力而行。Don't take on more than you can cope with.
- 凡事要量力而行Do things within the limits of your own energy
- 想要be desirous to
- 一定要must
- 要是if
- 虽说是初生牛犊不怕虎,但也要量力而行,不能莽撞。As the saying goes "a baby calf is not afraid of a tiger". However, you should act according to your abilities.
- 要有need
- 就要will; be about to
- 要不otherwise
- 生产建设、行政设施、人民生活的改善,都要量力而行,量入为出。Production and construction,the building of administrative facilities and the raising of the people's living standard should all be kept within the limits of financial capability so that expenditures remain equal to revenues.
- 要找inquire for
- 也要in order to
- 要强eager to excel
- 要不是but for
- 要命(v) cause sb to die
- 要人important person
- 要领(n) main aspects; essentials
- 要件important document
- 要紧urgent