- 食品企业,要品?还是要牌?Quality or Brand? Which one do Food Enterprises Prefer?
- 当您手中的牌面是14点或者更少的时候,您必须要牌。You must twist if your hand totals 14 or less.
- 牌plate
- 想要be desirous to
- 一定要must
- 要是if
- 大牌major suit
- 要有need
- 发牌deal
- 就要will; be about to
- 要不otherwise
- 吊牌drop (height)
- 洗牌riffle
- 要找inquire for
- 指示牌indicator
- 也要in order to
- 厂牌brand (of a product)
- 要强eager to excel
- 重新洗牌reshuffle
- 要不是but for