- 林狸一种林狸属或长尾灵猫属猫状食肉哺乳动物,原产于亚洲或非洲,表皮有斑点,尾部有条纹any of several Asian or African catlike carnivorous mammals of the genera Poiana or Prionodon,having a spotted coat and a long banded tail
- 西非west African
- 退耕还林returning land for farming to forestry
- 林檎Chinese pear-leaved crabapple
- 林黛玉lin blackjade
- 法属西非的民族独立运动the nationalist movements of French West Africa
- 林狸linsang
- 西非歌舞艺人在西非地区保持村落或家族口头传统和历史的讲故事者A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family.
- 考林Courlene
- 在西非,有许多商行大规模地经营棕桐制品、可可和橡胶贸易。In west Africa there are a number of businesses trading on a large scale in palm products, cocoa and rubber.
- 氨苄西林ampicillin
- 毁林disforestation
- 人工林planted forest
- 狮子林Lion Grove
- 氨基比林aminopyrine
- 灌木林shrubbery
- 菲林胶卷film roll
- 林分standing forest
- 林狸属Prionodon
- 这是个橡树林。This is an oak forest.