- 西红柿鸡蛋汤Tomato and Egg Soup
- 苗家西红柿鸡蛋米线Hmong's rice noodles with tomato, egg and broth
- 鸡蛋egg
- 西红柿tomato
- 炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs
- 西红柿炒蛋Scrambled Egg with Tomato
- 煎鸡蛋fry-up
- 鸡蛋花frangipani
- 鸡蛋饼waffles [a baked square breakfast food]
- 你喜欢吃西红柿吗?Do you like tomato?
- 这些西红柿个大汁多。These tomatoes are plump and juicy.
- 煮鸡蛋boiled egg
- 你要西红柿吗?Do you need tomato?
- 把打好了的鸡蛋小心地加进面粉里去。Fold the beaten egg in the flour.
- 夏天西红柿很多。Tomatoes are plentiful in the summer.
- 鸡蛋里挑骨头look for a bone in an egg; look for a flaw where there's none to be found
- 西红柿晚疫病a late blight of tomato
- 她炒鸡蛋供早餐食用。She scrambled eggs for breakfast.
- 炒西红柿时要加少量的盐。While the tomatoes are cooking add a pinch of salt.
- 鸡蛋什么时候孵化?When will the eggs hatch?