- 帚尾袋貂brush-tailed possum
- 西南southwest
- 一种与负鼠相似的澳大利亚袋鼠,属于袋貂家族any of several similar marsupials of Australia belonging to the family Phalangeridae
- 我会让一只可爱的袋貂跟我同眠,以便多个同伴吗?Would I let an innocent possum share quarters with me, just for the sake of having a bunk mate?
- 布袋hop-pocket
- 西南地区southwest
- 貂marten
- 装袋bagging
- 西南交通大学Southwest Jiaotong University
- 购物袋shopping bag
- 日内瓦位于侏罗山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉之间,日内瓦湖的西端。Geneva is situated between the Jura range and the Alps on the western end of Lake Geneva.
- 西南财经大学Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
- 树袋熊koala
- 南西南south-southwest
- 胶袋poly-bag
- 雪貂ferret
- 西南科技大学Southwest University of Science and Technology
- 袋布sacking
- 黄貂鱼stingray
- 西南政法大学Southwest Politics and Law University