- 鸦crow
- 住在西北华盛顿的撒利希语族人。a member of the Salishan people living in NW Washington.
- 长冠蓝鸦long crested jay
- 二是滇西北香格里拉旅游热线。The second one is the Shangri-La route in the northwest Yunnan.
- 海伦和丈夫外出走在一起时,人们常常议论说他俩是彩凤随鸦。Beauty and the beast was what people used to call them when Helen and her husband went walking together.
- 风向突然又转回西北。The wind chopped back to northwest.
- 鸦知反哺The crow knows to disgorge its foor in order to feed its parents
- 西北农业大学Northwest Agricultural University
- 白嘴鸦rook
- 欧洲的西北角the northwest shoulder of Europe
- 白嘴鸦多的rooky
- 风向是西北偏北The wind is north-northwest.
- 野鸦椿euscaphis japonica
- 生活在西北加利福尼亚州的阿它帕斯族人。a member of the Athapaskan people living in NW California.
- 鸦葱scorzonera
- 陈与义避乱鄂西北The Refuge of CHEN Yu-yi in Northwest Hubei
- 她对博物学的兴趣,只限于观察聚集在她的眼尾周围的“鸦爪”。Her interest in natural history was confined to observation of the crow's feet gathering round her eyes.
- 西北人口Northwest Demography
- 白嘴鸦的群箩rookery
- 西北红军Northwest Red Army