- 大头针,一种一头钝一头尖的短、直、硬的铁丝,常用于固定他物a short,straight,stiff piece of wire with a blunt head and a sharp point,used especially for fastening
- 褐塘鳢Eleotris oxycephala
- 裸头科Anoplocephalidae
- 大头针一种一头钝一头尖的短、直、硬的铁丝,常用于固定他物A short, straight, stiff piece of wire with a blunt head and a sharp point, used especially for fastening.
- 尖塘鳢Oxyeleotris marmoratus
- 头head
- 大裸头绦虫Anoplocephala magna
- 尖塘鳢属Oxyeleotris
- 裸头鱼Anoplopoma; Sablefish
- 尖头塘鳢Oxyeleotris marmoratus
- 裸奔streaking
- 头的cephalic
- 钝化passivation
- 线纹尖塘鳢Oxyeleotris lineolatus
- 钝stupid
- 裸照nude
- 裸头草辛psilocine
- 中华乌塘鳢Bostrichthys sinensis
- 全裸naked
- 弯头elbow