- 装修厨房、书房等.revamp a kitchen,study,etc
- 今年夏天我们将重新装修厨房。We are decorating the kitchen again this summer.
- 装修fitment
- 我们正用现代化设备装修厨房.We' re having the kitchen done up.
- 我们正用现代化设备装修厨房。We're having the kitchen done up.
- 对等upsides
- 等於equal to
- 当Blied家庭2002年决定装修厨房时,他们选择了白色饰面板和条状拉手的SieMatic产品。When the Blieds decided to refurbish their kitchen in 2002, they chose a SieMatic with white laminate surfaces and bar handles.
- 等着wait
- 他下楼将她叫到书房去。He came downstairs and summoned her to his study.
- 等分part
- 等号equal sign
- 我们听到厨房里哗啦一声响。We heard a smash in the kitchen.
- 你可以使用我的书房。You may have the liberty of my study.
- 低等inferior
- 我对他把厨房弄脏已经习惯了。I was used to him messing up the kitchen.
- 室内装修interior trim
- 稍等一下wait a jiffy
- 戴维在厨房里剥洋葱皮。David is skinning onions in the kitchen.
- 装修工upfitter