- 被保险人户籍注销证明;A certificate canceling the residence registration of the Insured;
- 被保险人户籍证明及身份证明;Residence certificate or identity certificate of the Insured;
- 投保人、被保险人名称和住所,以及人身保险的受益人的名称和住所;Names and addresses of the applicant and the insured, and name and address of the beneficiary in the case of insurance of persons;
- 受益人户籍证明及身份证明;Residence certificate or identity certificate of the applying Beneficiary;
- 注销logout
- 证明prove
- 被保险人向本公司索赔时必须提供下列单证。The insured shall submit the following documents when presenting a claim to this company.
- 产品的配料是否由被保险人独立设计?Are the product ingredients set by applicant independently?
- 被保险人死亡需提供死亡证明;Death certificate of the insured;
- 对因违反此项条件所产生的任何损失,保险人可以解除合同。If any loss occurs through breach of this condition, the insurer may avoid the contract.
- 被保险利益insurable interest
- 被保险人及其代表应严格履行下列义务:The following Obligations shall be strictly fulfilled by the Insured and his representative:
- 被保险人总数Total Number of Insured person
- 被保险的状态。The state of being insured.
- 与被保险人关系Relation to the Insured Person
- 投保人和被保险人可以是不同人。The policyholder and the insured could be different persons.
- 投保人指定受益人时须经被保险人同意。The designation of the beneficiary by the applicant is subject to the approval of the insured.
- 被保险人应尽其最大努力减轻急难状况之影响。Insured shall be obliged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency.
- 你有没有因为任何理由而被保险人司拒绝承保?Have you been rejected by any insurance company for any reasons?