- 血液blood
- 血液循环blood circulation
- 血液透析hemodialysis
- 她给袖子打了个补丁。She inserted a patch in the sleeve.
- 血液的hematic
- 给衣服打补丁to piece a dress
- 血液科hematology specialty
- 裁缝把补丁补得看不出来。The tailor worked in the patch skillfully.
- 血液病hematonosis
- 她在裤子的膝部打了个补丁。She sew a patch onto the knee of the trousers.
- 血液接触空气就会凝结。Blood coagulates when it meets air.
- 他的袜子满是补丁。His socks are full of darns.
- 新鲜血液fresh blood
- 膝部的补丁a knee patch
- 补丁说明World of Warcraft PTR Patch
- 他能感觉到浑身血液在奔腾。He could feel the blood pulsing through his body.
- 骑士补丁KE - Knight Empire patch
- 我们观察了青蛙的血液循环。We observed the circulation of blood in frogs.
- 补丁姑娘The Patchwork Girl of Oz
- 血液在肺中与氧结合。Blood is aerated in the lungs.