- 蚤蝼pygmy sand cricket
- 蝼mole-cricket
- 蝼土Lou soil
- 蛞蝼mole cricket
- 蚤蝼科Tridactylidae
- 蝼咕疖folliculitis abscedens et suffodiens
- 蝼森病Jensen's disease; Jensen's retinitis; retinochoroiditis juxtapapillaris
- 飞蝼姑mayfly
- 冲着牛蝼笼被蜇的麻Ma was the sting of being caged counter cattle
- 蛞蝼在城市并不常见。Mole crickets are rare in cities.
- 正巧有棵树的枝干粗壮而四处延伸,于是这个想法得到大家的热烈响应。我们所需要的只是一蝼木头。One tree had just the fight sort of wide, spreading branches, so the idea was eagerly taken up. All we needed was a bit of wood.