- 拟真兵器产品中国蝴蝶刀Realistic Sparring Weapons - Products - Chinese Butterfly Swords
- 最后一把是蝴蝶刀,工艺不错,和我以前贴的那把相近!The last piece is butterfly Dao,not bad craftsmanship,similar with that piece I posted before!
- 中国蝴蝶刀是以真刀为蓝本,短小精悍,方便在狭窄的环境使用。Version of Chinese Butterfly Swords are based on real swords. They re short and nimble, good for narrow environment.
- 指甲刀nail-clippers
- 心如刀割grief-stricken
- 柳叶刀lance
- 秋刀鱼mackerel pike
- 那是蝴蝶还是飞蛾?Is that a butterfly or a moth?
- 刀头tool bit
- 他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.
- 弯刀tulwar
- 蝴蝶与飞蛾有什么不同之处?What is the distinction between butterflies and moths?
- 借刀杀人do harm to somebody through the hands of another
- 蝴蝶是一种无害的昆虫。The butterfly is an innocent insect.
- 刀模cutting die
- 蝴蝶抖动翅膀。The butterfly quivers its wings.
- 飞刀fly cutter
- 一个蝴蝶的蛹a butterfly pupa
- 切刀cutting knife
- 铅笔刀pencil sharpener