- 族nationality
- 一族gens
- 蜂巢honeycomb
- 食人族man-eater
- 族的Goidelic; Lombardic
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂?Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 血族bloodline
- 同族kin
- 蜂巢组织honeycomb weave
- 芳香族aromatic series
- 胡蜂巢胡蜂或黄蜂的巢A nest or colony of wasps or hornets.
- 在蜂巢中存放To store in a honeycomb.
- 闪族Shemite
- 脂肪族fatty group
- 芳香族化合物aromatic compound
- 族名nomen
- 精灵族Elven
- 族裔race
- 蛮族tribe
- 暴走族Yakuza; mob of driving at full speed