- 大侠swordsman
- 蜀Sichuan
- 蜀黍jowar
- 金大侠swordsman Jin
- 得陇望蜀be insatiable
- 魔登大侠The Wizard of Speed and Time
- 大侠风范manner of Chinese knight
- 蜀国Shu State
- 梅州大侠Meizhou swordsman
- 大侠白毛腿The Legs With White Hairs
- 阿蜀糖altrose
- 故乡情深金大侠Best Known Chinese Novelist and His Hometown
- 《蜀语》Shu Dialect
- 着名的大侠郭靖The chivalrous hero Guo Jing
- 西蜀West Shu
- 到垃圾库吧!各位大侠Into the garbage chute, wise guy.
- 治蜀administration of Shu
- 这里我熟,得让牛大侠带路。Let Gallant Niu lead the way.
- 蜀学Shu Studies
- 让大家看看我牛大侠的绝技嘛?To see Gallant Niu's sensational skills