- 品种variety
- 品种的varietal
- 品种齐全great variety of goods
- 新品种new species
- 杆菌肽锌和金霉素对蛋鸡产蛋性能和蛋品质的影响机理。Effects of bacitracin and chlortetracycline on laying performance and egg quality and approach to its mechanism in aging hens.
- 白壳蛋鸡white shell layer
- 优良品种fine variety
- 我们拥有最优品种的羊。We have the finest breed of sheep.
- 品种多样numerous in variety
- 这种饮料是由三个品种混合而成的。This drink is a mixture of three different sorts.
- 花色品种assortment
- 品种多wide in variety
- 产品品种product variety
- 不同品种蛋鸡鸡蛋品质的比较分析The comparison and analysis of the egg quality in different breed layers
- 濒危品种endangered breed
- 品种规格description
- 衍生品种derived varieties
- 矮杆品种short-stalked variety
- 请问我该先买哪个品种。Please advise me which item I should buy.
- 品种丰富wide in variety