- 使用无脂或低脂牛奶来做面包及奶冻Use no fat or low fat milks for bread sauces, custards
- 该省以出产奶酪、酸奶、奶冻、黄油及其他奶制品闻名。It is well known for its cheeses, yogurt, blancmanges, butter and other products.
- 水果奶油布丁一种甜点心,由松软蛋糕或面包加夹心做成,如加水果、掼奶油或蛋奶沙司A dessert consisting of a mold of sponge cake or bread with a filling, as of fruits, whipped cream, or custard.
- 鹑蛋奶露Custard cream with quail eggs
- 奶lady
- 冻to freeze
- 蛋挞Egg Tart
- 王八蛋son of a gun
- 让米家莎的甜点来宠坏你自己“尽情享受美味”:巧克力布朗尼,大理石芝士蛋糕,圣地亚哥挞挞和加泰罗尼亚奶冻仅售人民币80元,包括无限畅饮的皇家泰勒茶或卡玛朵咖啡。Spoil your-self with the MiCasa Dessert “ALL you can eat”; Chocolate Brownie, Marble Cheese Cake, Santiago Tarte, Catalonian Cream and Ice Cream for only RMB80 including unlimited Taylors of Harrogate Tea or Camardo Coffee.
- 炒蛋scrambled eggs
- 冻干freeze-dry
- 奶的lactary
- 蛋黄酱mayonnaise
- 洗面奶face cream
- 打蛋器whisk
- 奶昔milk shake
- 彩蛋painted egg
- 二奶second wife
- 煮蛋coddle
- 挤奶milking