- 虫worm
- 木虫carpenter worm
- 甲壳虫beetle
- 线虫eelworm
- 杀虫desinsection
- 渝桂地区蚱总科三新种记述(直翅目)Three new species of Tetrigoidea from Chongqing and Guangxi (Orthoptera)
- 除虫worm
- 中国狭蚱属的分类研究(蚱总科:短翼蚱科)A Systematic Study of Xistra Bolivar from China(Tetrigoidea: Metrodoridae )
- 螨虫acarid
- 蚱grasshopper
- 网虫netter; Internet geek
- 黑蚱Cryptotympana atrata Fabr.; Cryptotympana pustulata Fabr.
- 小虫mite
- 黑蚱蝉的发声器官是一种小型化的多重组合式发声装置。In black cicada, the sounding organ is a miniaturized sound-producing apparatus with multiplex structural combinations.
- 鼻涕虫slug
- 早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm
- 虫蛀damaged by vermin
- 跟屁虫1.one's shadow; to tag along; 2. flatterer, boot licker, ass-kisser, brown-noser
- 米虫cadelle
- 驱虫anthelminthic