- 虫worm
- 木虫carpenter worm
- 甲壳虫beetle
- 校尉field officer
- 线虫eelworm
- 杀虫desinsection
- 尉曹HAN: conscript section
- 尉(surname)
- 除虫worm
- 骑都尉HAN-N-S DIV, TANG-QING: commandant of cavalry
- 螨虫acarid
- 廷尉史HAN: clerk for the chamberlain of law enforcement
- 网虫netter; Internet geek
- 武骑尉SUI-MING: commandant of militant cavalry
- 小虫mite
- 县尉police commissioner
- 鼻涕虫slug
- 尉藉备至To console with perfection
- 邦尉military officers titled Bangwei
- 早起的鸟儿有虫吃The early bird catches the worm