- 渺渺remote
- 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold.
- 江涛渺渺,不知何时才能汇入大海。The river extends boundless, and it will take a long time to join into the sea.
- 风潇潇人渺渺快意刀山中草爱恨的百般滋味随风飘。Yelling wind, tiny shade of humans. Whip the sword to cut the soaring grass in the mountain. Different kinds of feelings are blowing in your mind with the wind.
- 浪滔滔人渺渺青春鸟飞去了纵然是千古风流浪里摇。Surging waves, tiny shade of humans. The youth bird has flied over. You are stilling swaying in the waves no matter what kind of romantic experience you once have.
- 虚无nihility
- 数不尽的世代以来,渺渺苍天曾为我同胞们洒下多少同情之泪。Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold.
- 渺vague
- 虚无缥缈entirely imaginary
- 虚无的windy
- 哀悼着许多音容俱渺的美艳,痛哭那情爱久已勾消的哀痛:When to the sessions of sweet silent thought And weep afresh love's long since cancelled woe
- 只是要弃绝那世俗的言语和老妇荒渺的话,在敬虔上操练自己。Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives'tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.
- 宇宙闭锁为虚无。Space closes up into nothingness.
- 歌声渐渺渐远也引走波浪无数拍动的羽翼就抬走那颗慢慢冷去的夕阳The sound of singing becomes faint and distant And leads away the waves Countless flapping wings Carry away The gradually cooling evening sun
- 虚无缥缈的事a great lottery
- 更重要的是,他是新一代人们的代言人,认为生命太短暂而不能活得太渺More important, Joseph Campbell became the voice of a new generation that says life is too short to be small.
- 她以为他每周只要挣50英镑,他们就可以结婚,但她是陶醉在虚无缥渺的乐境之中而已。She thinks they can get married on his earnings of only fifty pounds a week but she's living in a fool's paradise.
- 虚无妄想nihilistic delusion
- 兹以小诗,敬献诸君。故事简单,历历见证。人初本善,勿容不信。心有多小,世有多渺。Let him who doubts that men are good, this simple tale recall; only the small in heart believe the heart of world is small.
- 虚无党Nihilists