- 藏彝走廊Tibetan-Yi Corridor
- 藏彝走廊的民族文化生态单元Ethnic Culture Unit of Zang Yi Corridor
- 藏彝走廊地区石棺葬所属人群探讨Talking about Whose Stone Coffin Belongs to in Tibetan Ethnic and Yi Ethnic's Hallway Region
- 纳to accept
- 藏store
- 胡系民族与藏彝走廊:以蒙古族为中心的历史学考察A Historical Research of the Nomadic Tribes of the Prairie of Eurasia and Tibetan-Yi Corridor: A Case of the Mongols as the Centre
- 纳什Nash
- 海纳百川All rivers run into sea
- 藏人Tibetan
- 纳期delivery time
- 藏獒Tibetan Mastiff
- 纳尔nail (unit of length)
- 捉迷藏hide-and-seek
- 纳瓦nanowatt
- 萧伯纳Shavian
- 藏青色navy blue
- 纳秒ns
- 藏羚羊Tibetan antelope
- 嘎纳Cannes
- 藏起来stash