- 有掌状裂叶(或花冠)的植物有掌状的含五片小叶的复叶的几种植物中的一种,例如委陵菜Any of several plants having palmately compound leaves with five leaflets,such as the cinquefoil.
- 有掌状裂叶(或花冠)的植物有掌状的含五片小叶的复叶的几种植物中的一种,例如委陵菜Any of several plants having palmately compound leaves with five leaflets,such as the cinquefoil.
- 莓叶委陵菜strawberry cinquefoil root
- 内胚叶皱襞hypoblastic fold
- 薄叶卷柏及其变异类型的鉴定研究Studies on Identification of Selaginella delicatula and Its Variable Type
- 柑桔叶皱等轴不稳环斑病毒Citrus leaf rugose ilarvirus
- 长柔毛委陵菜Potentilla griffithii var. velutina
- 北美洲东部雨林地区的一种薄叶盾蕨;有时归为鳞毛蕨属slender shield fern of moist woods of eastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Dryopteris
- 北美洲东部雨林地区的一种薄叶盾蕨;有时归为鳞毛蕨属。slender shield fern of moist woods of eastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Dryopteris.
- 甘肃委陵菜属植物研究Studies on the Genus Potentilla L. in Gansu Provence
- 菜vegetables
- 亮绿色小而圆的薄叶,叶面光滑柔软,植株紧密,浅色叶背,叶柄常有弯曲。通常是单个顶芽形态。Light green, small, round, thin, glossy, soft, velvety, tightly bunched/pale back; randomly curved petioles. Usually single crown.
- 灰岩皱叶报春的组织培养与快速繁殖。Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Primula forrestii Balf. F.
- 光叉叶委陵菜Potentilla bifurca L var. glabrata
- 委陵菜对四氯化碳致小鼠肝损伤保护作用Protective effects of the ethanolic extract from Potentilla chinensis on mice acute hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride
- 皱叶忍冬的组织培养与快速繁殖初步研究A Preliminary Study of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lonicera Japonica Champ
- 四叶草clover
- 柳叶刀lance
- 百叶tripe
- 两种生境下鹅绒委陵菜无性系形态的比较The comparison of morphological character of Potentilla anserina in two habitats