- 哈laughter
- 娜elegant
- 蕾丝lace
- 啊哈aha
- 佐治亚共和国蕾娜·梅斯基。Leila Maskhi from the Republic of Georgia.
- 哈!huh
- 娜塔莎Natasha
- 哈代Hardy
- 贝蕾帽beret
- 吉娜Gina
- 哈气breathe out
- 疤蕾舞迷balletomane
- 保罗带领表妹唐娜出发去哥伦比亚的一个偏远地区徒步旅行。Paul had taken his cousin Donna on a long trek through a remote part of Colombia.
- 哈珀Harper
- [疤蕾舞]回转通过chaine
- 丽娜姨母刚去美国。Aunt Lena has just left for America.
- 哈韩craze for S. Korean pop culture
- 蕾一个小的,圆形的器官组成部分,如味蕾和植物的芽很相似A small, rounded organic part, such as a taste bud, that resembles a plant bud.
- 娜塔丽正生活在痛苦的边缘。Natalie is living on the brink of panic.
- 撤哈拉大部分地区终年无雨。Most of Sahara receives almost no rain at all.