- 仙境fairyland
- 蓬瀛仙馆Hongkong
- 古诗中的“直在云霄上,蓬瀛望可通。 万帆风汇舞,一镜水涵空”,说的就是这里的景致。The views from the temple are described in a poem as follows: Standing high amidst the clouds, The fairy isles are in sight. /A myriad sails pushing ahead in the winds, The sea mirror-like extending to the sky.
- 人间仙境heaven on earth
- 仙境,幻境想象或幻想的王国A realm of imagination or fantasy.
- 仙境美妙的想像中的王国A marvelous imaginary realm.
- 这个小村庄美如仙境。This village is as beautiful as the fairyland.
- 艾丽丝梦中所游的仙境是在地下的。The wonderland Alice travelled in her dream was beneath the ground.
- 仙境桃源A Fairyland of Peach and Happiness
- 这里真是人间仙境。It is really a fairyland on earth.
- 我们能够在想象中与最高贵的人们同行,走过极乐的仙境。We walk in imagination with the noblest spirits through the most sublime and enchanting regions.
- 他一时骑着野牛在色彩绚丽、宛如仙境的彩绘沙漠上飞驰One instant he was astride a broncho and flying through the fairy-colored Painted Desert country
- 仙境啊!wonderland it is !
- 蓬莱仙境fairyland
- 桃源仙境The Fairy Land of Peach Blossoms; a haven of peace; a utopia; Shangrila
- 如入仙境as if one were in fairyland
- 奇异仙境wonderland
- 仙境术士The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
- 如临仙境be as if entering the fairyland
- 如同仙境paradisiacal