- 奥桑蒸气机Ao Sang steam engine
- 谁发明了蒸气机?Who invented the steam engine?
- 高速蒸气机high-speed steam engine
- 离心蒸气机centrifugal compressor
- 串列蒸气机tandem engine
- 蒸气机的诞生The birth of the steam engine
- 移动式蒸气机donkey engine
- 串列复式蒸气机tandem compound
- 蒸气机带动的水泵pump operated by steam-engine
- 大鼻子里象小小的蒸气机似的冒出热气。Vapor jetted from the brood hose as from a little steam engine.
- 许多铁路线已经由蒸气机改成电气机车。Many railway lines have changed over from steam to electric.
- 第一台设计成功的蒸气机The first successful from of the steam engine
- 涡轮往复蒸气机联合装置turbo reciprocating engines
- 我不知道蒸气机内热损耗的原因。I don't know the reason why there are heat losses in a steam engine.
- 他把首次制成功的蒸气机模型献给了世人。He gave to the world the first successful form of the steam machine.
- 年,发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!Inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress.
- 1787年,发明家约翰费奇在特拉华河上演示他的蒸气机船的给美国国会的代表观看!In 1787, inventor John Fitch demonstrated his steamboat on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental Congress.
- 整个大厅里充斥着上百个通风器的嗡鸣声,并且由于大厅下面转动着巨大蒸气机而颤动着。The whole hall hummed from its hundred ventilators and vibrated with the turn of the great engines below.
- 整个大厅里充斥着上百个通风器的嗡鸣声,并且由于大厅下面转动着巨大蒸气机而颤动着。The whole hall hummed from its hundred ventilators and vibrated with the turn of the great engines below
- 瓦特的蒸气机不仅便于抽水,从而将采矿业引进了一个新的纪元,而且使制造业摆脱了水的动力。Watt's steam engine not only introduced a new era in mining by making it easy to pump out the water, but it freed manufacturing from water power.