- 落伍的科学理论.Outworn scientific theories
- 然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难。Yet the movie's depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions.
- 他够聪明的,知道自己要是和那帮人搅和在一起,就会落伍的。He's smart enough to know that if he gets involved with that crowd, he's out to lunch.
- 理论theory
- 她的帽子是个永不会落伍的创意;它只会年复一年让它看来可笑。Her hat is a creation that will never go out of style; it will just look ridiculous year after year.
- 天气预报是一门模糊的科学.Weather forecasting is an inexact science.
- 理论的academic
- 理论上theoretically
- 老顽固一个极其保守的或落伍的人An extremely conservative or old-fashioned person.
- 服装工效学(研究人体、服装、环境之间相互关系的科学)Ergonomics of clothing
- 落伍的技术out-of-date technology
- 婚姻的科学The Exact Science of Matrimony
- 从诺贝尔自然科学奖百年走势看科学实验与科学理论的关系A Case Study of the Relation between Scientific Experiments and Theories from the Perspective of the Trend of a Hundred Years'Nobel Prizes in Natural Science
- 气象学,研究大气现象的科学,尤指研究天气和天气情况的科学the science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere,especially weather and weather conditions
- 落伍的事物[法] anachronism
- 论坚持最低、最高纲领相统一的科学理论依据和社会实践基础On the Theoretical Foundation and Practical Basis of Unification of the Lowest and the Highest Creeds
- 这是本新的科学文献。It is a new volume of scientific literature.
- 落伍的终端需要升级。The outdated terminal needs to be upgraded.
- 论张衡的科学精神On Zhang Heng's scientific spirit
- 我倒乐意看起来像一个思想落伍的人,那样人们就不会指望你什么了。I enjoy appearing to be a mossback.People expect so little from you.