- 希尔说的是什么意思,他帮助巴蒂尔成长?谁知道这方面的情况?What the heck of that? What did Hill mean he helped raised Shane? Any idea BattiersBaby? or anyone eles on board ?
- 巴蒂尔刺中了对手的心脏。巴蒂尔在边角投中了他标志性的投篮。Battier with the dagger in the heart! Battier hits his signature shot from the corner.
- 萨巴蒂尔效应Sabattier effect
- 当巴蒂尔象一个全明星球员一样打球的时候,我们还没有足够的火力,真是太糟糕了Too bad we still don't have enough fire power even with Battier playing like an all star
- 反应response
- 尔so
- 萨巴蒂循环Sabathe cycle
- 拜尔反应baeyer reaction
- 萨巴通讯社Saba News Agency
- 反应的reactive
- 蒂stem (of fruit)
- 奥尔反应Auer's reaction
- 萨巴瑟循环Sabathe's cycle
- 不良反应untoward effect
- 卡萨巴甜瓜cassaba
- 反应物reagent
- 波尔bohr
- 首尔Seoul
- 披萨饼pizza
- 反应迟钝lags in response