- 萝莉塔 平民公主俏娃娃Lolita:Daily Princess,Living Doll
- 萝莉:运什么到什么位置?Laurie:Dribble what into what position?
- 控to accuse
- 但是,我确信,是安娜贝尔魔术般地将我的命运指向萝莉塔。I am convinced, however, that in a certain magic and fateful way Lolita began with Annabel.
- 控件control
- 娜娥蜜:不错,他尽快携葛萝莉雅离去。葛萝莉雅的行为,就像个宠坏了的孩子。Naomi: Oh, he was and he got her out of there as soon as he could. She was behaving like a spoilt child.
- 受控controlled
- 但是他那魔琴般的故事却召唤出我们对萝莉塔的爱和怜悯,在憎恶书的作者的同时却深深地被书吸引。But how magically his singing violin can conjure up a tendresse, a compassion for Lolita that makes us entranced with the book while abhorring its author!
- 掌控control
- 操控control
- 管控management and control
- 温控器temperature controller
- 防控prevention and control
- 莳萝dill
- 可控controllable
- 莫莉现在的行为很古怪。Molly is behaving rather peculiarly.
- 胡萝carrot
- 工控机industrial computer
- 珀莉是我见过最愚不可及的人。Polly is the most featherheaded person I've ever seen.
- 温控control by temperature change; temperature-controlled