- 典canon
- 萌people
- 典藏classical collection
- 祭典fiesta
- 典狱长warden
- 希望的复萌the resurrection of hope
- 庇萌lee
- 萌地槽embryonic geosyncline
- 饰终令典rite to honour the dead
- 萌地台embryonic platform
- 典鼓TANG, LIAO: time drummer
- 光透萌optical transparency
- 典仗TANG-SONG, MING: manager of ceremonial regalia
- 萌渚岭Mengzhu Ling
- 典乘TANG: manager of chariot horses
- 早萌premature eruption
- 地方政府根据成文法(典)所给予的权力和义务所作出的决定。A decision of the local authority pursuant to the power and duties impose upon it by the statutory code.
- 萌出eruption
- 地层典stratigraphic lexicon
- 萌条stump plant