- 菲luxurious
- 翔soar
- 菲林胶卷film roll
- 菲尔智力超群。Phil has uncommon intelligence.
- 翔步pace about
- 他经常邀菲利浦进来闲谈。He often asked Philip to come in for a chat.
- 和气翔洽pervasive spirit of peace and harmony
- 鸾翔凤翥flamboyant calligraphy
- 菲力普容易满足。Phillip is easy to please.
- 翔羊不去To hover around
- 菲力牛排filet steak
- 夏鸾翔Xia Luanxiang
- 菲涅耳fresnel
- 鸾翔凤集an assemblage of talents
- 艾菲尔阶eifelian
- 拍鼓翔龙Flying Dragons in Drum Beats - zhongruansolo
- 阿拉菲野蚕丝anaphe silk
- 菲涅耳透镜Fresnel lens
- 菲涅耳衍射fresnel diffraction
- 2,3-苯并菲2,3-benzophenanthrene