- 寇bandit
- 寇阿相思树koa; koatree
- 澳热寇热Australian Q fever
- 潜入下水道,跟哈定上校约见面,然后逃出寇地兹堡垒。Infiltrate the sewers, rendezvous with Colonel Harding and then escape Colditz castle.
- 奥寇梯木油ocotea oil
- 荡寇志Stanley and Livingstone
- 奥寇梯木属乔木sweetwood
- 匪寇bandits; highwayman
- 司寇minister of justice
- 入寇invader
- 胜者为王,败者为寇。Losers are always in the wrong.
- 豆寇年华An adolescent girl,sweet sixteen
- 胜者为王,败者为寇。Losers are always in the wrong.
- 艾寇Echo
- 寇热[医] nine-mile fever; Q fever
- 寇盗Thief.
- 剧寇arrogant thief; desperado; violent robber
- 落草为寇take to the bush
- 毛豆寇hairy china cardamom
- 肉豆寇nutmeg