- 蟆口鸱owl swallow
- 茶色蟆口鸱Podargus strigoides
- 蟆口在夜间活动的棕色或灰色鸟,属蟆口科,有阔嘴尖喙,生活在东南亚和澳大利亚Any of various brown or gray nocturnal birds of the family Podargidae of southeast Asia and Australia, having a wide mouth and a hooked bill.
- 蟆口,在夜间活动的棕色或灰色鸟,属蟆口科,有阔嘴尖喙,生活在东南亚和澳大利亚。Any of various brown or gray nocturnal birds of the family Podargidae of southeast Asia and Australia,having a wide mouth and a hooked bill.
- 流口水run at the mouth
- 蟆toad
- 并口parallel port
- 鸱夷leather sack
- 坡口divided edge
- 鸱枭owl
- 排气口vent
- 林鸱科Nyctibiidae
- 虾蟆frog
- 裸鼻鸱owlet frogmouth
- 排水口rainspout
- 鸱饕科typical owl
- 蛙蟆肿ranine tumor
- 出水口outlet
- 虾蟆胆rice frog gall
- 裸鼻鸱科Aegothelidae