- 西班牙第二共和国Second Republic of Spain
- 扎伊尔共和国第二共和国Second Republic of Zaire
- 菲律宾|菲律宾共和国Philippines | Republic of the Philippines
- 我在演讲比赛中得了第二名。I got a second in the speech contest.
- 他忘了读第二页。He omitted reading the second page.
- 菲律宾共和国全国青年委员会与中华全国青年联合会进一步发展中菲青年交流谅解备忘录。Memorandum of Understanding on Further Development of Sino-Filipino Youth Exchange between the All-China Youth Federation and the National Youth Commission of the Philippines.
- 第二次扫描显示出一个脑瘤。The second scan revealed a brain tumor.
- 菲律宾麻蕉植物的纤维。a fiber obtained from the abaca plant in the Philippines.
- 美国游泳选手得第二。The American swimmer came second.
- 苏丹共和国The Republic of the Sudan
- 第二营即将开赴国外。The second battalion is/are going abroad.
- 菲律宾电影Philippines, cinema in
- 索马里民主共和国The Somali Democratic Republic
- 董事会决定第二天继续讨论。The board of the directors decided to carry on the discussion next day.
- 菲律宾舞蹈dance of Philippines
- 阿拉伯也门共和国[亚洲]the Yemen Arab Republic
- 菲律宾历史history of Philippines
- 他第二次考试颇有进步。He fared better in the second test.
- 匈牙利苏维埃共和国Hungarian Soviet Republic
- 菲律宾音乐music of Philippines