- 虎tiger
- 鱼fish
- 与虾虎鱼相象的热带鱼,在浅水底静卧。tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water.
- 枝branch
- 蓝牙Bluetooth
- 鱼的ichthyic
- 蛀牙cariosity
- 狼牙wolf tooth
- 三文鱼Salmon
- 接枝graft
- 牙套tooth socket
- 卧虎藏龙undiscovered talents
- 牙疼have a toothache
- 水煮鱼Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil
- 一个小拦水坝将虾虎鱼引导到一侧,并把它们冲进陷阱之中.Small weirs divert them to one side, where they are washed into traps.
- 尾牙a year-end dinner for employees
- 烤鱼grilled fish
- 牙线dental floss
- 秋刀鱼mackerel pike
- 洗牙toothwash