- 国际数学教育委员会International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
- 沃尔夫农业奖和数学奖;Ricardo Wolf Agricultural Prize and Mathematical Prize;
- 国际数学与数理科学杂志。International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
- 她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖.She waltzed off with the school prizes for maths and science.
- 数学mathematics
- 长春国际数学教育会议纪要Changchun International Conference on Mathematics Education Summary
- 菲尔兹奖Fields Prize
- 她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖She waltzed off with the school prizes for maths and science
- 菲尔兹干涉Fierz interference
- 第10届国际数学建模数学及应用会议10Th International Conference on the Teaching Mathematical Modeling and Application
- 菲尔兹干涉项Fierz interference term
- 喂,业务部,我是贝蒂_菲尔兹。Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.
- 高等数学higher mathematics
- 头奖jackpot
- 国际数学联盟International Mathematical Union
- 金马奖Golden Horse Prize
- 金球奖美国电影金球奖(Golden Global Award)
- 菲尔兹是加拿大多伦多大学第一位重要的数学家,在当时享有国际声誉。He was the first significant mathematician at the University of Toronto, and was also internationally known at the time.
- 国际数学联合会IMU
- 安慰奖consolation prize