- 菲利普Philip
- 菲利普。格拉斯的全新配乐New Score by Philip Glass Performed by the Kronos Quartet
- 菲利普·格拉斯配乐科诺斯四重奏Score by Philip Glass performed by The Kornos Quartet
- 格拉斯琼Granisetron
- 格拉斯小镇Grasse Town
- 菲利普·格拉斯完成本片电影音乐Music to Dracula with Philip Glass performed by Kronos Quartet
- 格拉斯昏迷量表Glasgow coma scale
- 菲利普条件Phillips condition
- 君特·格拉斯Guenter Grass
- 格拉斯。蒙特雷演唱会Philip Glass Ensemble Live In Monterrey, Mexico
- 菲利普肌Phillips' muscle
- “阻止他”,史拿格拉斯先生叫道。"Restrain him", cried Mr. Shodgrass.
- 国王菲利普King Philip IV as a Huntsman
- 菲利普斯学校Phillips Academy
- 他向格拉斯太太问起他的小同乡,但没有要求会晤她。He inquired for his little country woman of Mrs. Glass, but without requesting to see her.
- 勇敢的人随遇而安,所到之处都是故乡。(英国剧作家菲利普)Every soil where he is well, is to a valiand man his natural country. (Masinger Phililp, British dramatist)
- 他继续呼吸格拉斯太太的那个小小客厅里的那既沉闷又带点行业气味的空气。He continued to inhale the close, and somewhat professional atmosphere of Mrs. Glass's small parlour.
- 奥本海默-菲利普斯反应Oppenheimer-Phillips reaction
- “不错的,”史拿格拉斯先生说,“坚定一点,争取胜利。”"All right", said Snodgrass."Be steady, and win him."