- 请来一个香草雪糕,两个菠萝圣代。Please bring us one vanilla ice cream and two pineapple sundaes.
- 各种口味的冰淇淋我们都有,例如有香草雪糕、两色雪糕、红豆和菠萝圣代等等。We have ice cream of all flavours such as vanilla,double flavour,red bean and pineapple sundaes.
- 冰淇淋圣代ice cream sundae
- 什果圣代mixed fruit sundae
- 巧克力圣代chocolate sundae
- 她喝了一杯菠萝汁。She drank a cup of pineapple juice.
- 硫代硫酸钠hyposulphite
- 代为on behalf
- 每年他们都榨取很多的菠萝汁。Every year they squeeze juice out of the pineapple.
- 别忘了代我向他们问好。Don't forget to give my regards to them.
- 至圣sacrosanctity
- 别忘记代我问候你的父母亲。Don't forget me to your parents.
- [圣]普渡拉克bdellium
- 洗礼是基督教会的圣事之一。Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church.
- 硫代sulpho-
- 存放圣餐保存的圣饼的容器。any receptacle in which wafers for the Eucharist are kept.
- 请代我向你父亲问候。Give my remembrances to your father.
- 领圣餐前唱的圣歌communion hymn
- 迷惘的一代lost generation
- 英国国教, 英国圣公会the Anglican Church