- 莎士比亚戏剧的编年表.a chronological list of Shakespeare's plays,ie in the order in which they were written
- 莎士比亚戏剧的终极关注The Ultimate Concern in Shakespeare's Plays
- 编年表chronologic(al) table
- 莎士比亚戏剧的卓越证明了他的天才。The excellence of Shakespeare's plays testifies to his genius.
- 单位的编配均按照申请人登记日期的先后及所选择的地区进行。Allocation of flats is made in accordance with the order of registration and choice of districts of the applicants.
- 整个世界依旧是莎士比亚戏剧的再现All the World Still a Stage for Shakespeare's Timeless Imagination
- 你还想怎样进一步提高自己的编折能力,老师将帮助你!If you want to improve your knitting ability, I will help you.
- 莎士比亚戏剧的形式完全适合表达其内容的需要。The Shakespeare play's form fits perfectly the content.
- 远距离高频无源射频IC卡读写系统中双相间隔码的编解码方法A Coding- Decoding Method for Bi- phase Space Coding in Far Distance High Frequency Non- energy RFID IC Read- write System
- 我寄上有关戏剧的全部剪报。I send all the cuttings about the theater.
- 我喜欢莎士比亚戏剧。I like Shakespeare's plays.
- 通过对H. 264/AVC的编解码原理比较深入的学习,我们认识到H.By studying the principles of H.264/AVC, we realize that the computing complication of H.264/AVC codec is far beyond the other autovideo standard.
- 我们为戏剧的开演更加紧排演。We revved up rehearsals for the opening of the play.
- 莎士比亚戏剧全集an entire set of Shakespeare's plays
- 重演戏剧的一景re-act a scene
- 目前倾向使用高级语言编写编译程序,因为这减少了大量的编程序和调程序的时间。The trend is to write compilers in high-level languages, because of the reduced amount of programming time and debugging time.
- 戏剧的吸引力the lure of the stage
- 赫明,约翰1556?-1630英国演员,是莎士比亚戏剧第一对开本的编辑者(1623年)English actor and an editor of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays(1623).
- 戏剧的配乐.incidental music for a play
- 证券交易管理委员会负责确立关于财务报表的内容及应遵循的编报标准的要求。The SEC establishes requirements regarding the content of financial statements and the reporting standards to be followed.