- 亚马逊角蛙让人首先注意它的地方是它的大小。The first thing that stands out about the Amazon horned frog is its size.
- 亚马逊角蛙是通过不加选择得进食来获取它巨大的体形的。Amazon horned frogs achieve their enormous girth by being generally indiscriminate about what they eat.
- 角angle
- 草原grassland
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 大草原prairie
- 蛙frog
- 半角DBC case
- 海角cape
- 右上角top right corner
- 倒角chamfer angle
- 蛙跳leapfrog
- 左上角top left corner
- 六角sexangular
- 右下角lower right corner
- 四角foursquare
- 全角SBC case
- 一角monodont
- 街角corner
- 角斗士gladiator