- 茶叶按磅出售。Tea is sold by the pound.
- 苹果按磅出售.Apples are sold by the pound.
- 他们把苹果按等级分类。They sort apples by grade.
- 苹果按磅出售。Apples are sold by the pound.
- 在市场里,烟叶按捆卖,鸡蛋按打卖,盐按磅卖。In the market, tobacco is sold by the bale, eggs by the dozen and salt by the pound.
- 苹果apple
- 糖是论磅出售的。Sugar is sold by the pound.
- 把苹果按质分级to staple apples according to the quality
- 货物按磅出售。The loads are sold by the pound.
- 把苹果按大小分类to size apples
- 苹果的malic
- 你们有文具出售吗?Do you carry stationery?
- 按顺序according to priority
- 苹果电脑Apple computer
- 廉价商店出售日用小商品。A dime store sells notions.
- 一磅有十六盎司。There are sixteen ounces in one pound.
- 按计划on schedule
- 他只得把它当废物出售。All he could do was sell it for scrap.
- 苹果汁apple juice
- 磅值point size