- 英雄hero
- 埋头不问总不是好办法,你说呢?It's no good hiding our heads under our wings, is it?
- 首恶必办,胁从不问,立功受奖。The chief criminals shall be punished without fail,those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded.
- 英雄的heroical
- 女英雄heroine
- 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike
- “凡教中犯案,教士不问是非,曲庇教民;领事亦不问是非,曲庇教士。遇有民教争斗,平民恒屈,教民恒胜。As the missionary always protected the believers and the consul always protected the missionary under any circumstances, believers always won and nonbelievers always lost.
- 出处可疑的of doubtful provenance
- 人民英雄纪念碑Monument to the People's Heroes, at Tiananmen Square
- 你的说法出处何在?What is your authority for that statement?
- 这还不说,到了择亲的时光,只凭着两个不要脸媒人的话,只要男家有钱有势,不问身家清白,男人的性情好坏、学问高低,就不知不觉应了。On top of that, when we are of the age to marry, a promise is given on the advice of two shameless matchmakers, as long as the groom's family has money and power, without even asking whether the family is decent or about the groom's temperament and education.
- 英雄事迹saga
- 英雄本色true quality of a hero
- 时势造英雄the times produce their heroes
- 盖世英雄peerless hero
- 超级英雄superhero
- 他喜欢在他女友前逞英雄。He likes to display gallantry in front of his girlfriend.
- 他们的英雄业绩将被载入史册。Their heroic exploits will go down in history.
- 我们的时代英雄辈出。Our era produces a host of heroes and heroines.
- 嘲弄地模仿英雄风格的作品对英雄行为或风格的讽刺的模仿或戏谑A satirical imitation or burlesque of the heroic manner or style.