- 英语标准发音RP能继续作为发音标准吗?On The Current Situation Of Received Pronunciation
- RP(Received Pronunciation)即英国英语标准发音,是迄今为止描述得最为完备的一种英语发音模式。RP (Received Pronunciation), the standard accent in British English, has been the most fully described English pronunciation model up till now.
- 现代英语标准发音中语调变体的功能主义视角分析A Functional View of Intonation Variation in Modern British English
- 标准standard
- 英语“标准发音”English "Received Pronunciation"
- 英语标准English standard
- 标准的normal
- 学标准发音班College Standard Prounciation Cour se, CSPC
- 全球企业组织首选职业英语标准The Global Standard Test of English for International Communication
- 标准英语Queen's English
- 你能帮我矫正发音吗?Would you help me correct my pronunciation?
- 标准差root-mean-square error (RMS error)
- ICAO英语标准对我国民航空中交通管制人员的影响及对策The Influence of ICAO English Standard on China's Air Traffic Controllers and Countermeasures
- 标准时间slow time
- 标准偏差standard deviation
- 英语化的发音.Anglicized pronunciation
- 收费标准expenses standard
- 她的英语发音还说得过去。Her English pronunciation is passable.
- 达到标准up to scratch
- 评分标准standard for evaluation