- 派school
- 派人send
- 英式英语British English
- 门派school
- 派送send
- 英式English
- 她用胡椒给牛肉调味。She sauced the beef with pepper.
- 派发distribute
- 英式足球soccer
- 他卖全部无骨头的牛肉。He sells completely boned beef.
- 外派send somebody to units or organizations in other areas or to a foreign country
- 他午餐吃了一盘牛肉。He had a plate of beef for lunch.
- 学院派academism
- 烤箱里正烤着牛肉。The beef is roasting in the oven.
- 他点了一份地道的英式早餐。He ordered a full english breakfast.
- 公派sent by the state; be sent by the unit to which one belongs
- 这牛肉有点变质了。The beef is a bit high.
- 英式橄榄球rugger
- 派克pike
- 英式小松糕An English muffin.